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2009/12/16 Class Content

Quiz 14
  1. 他被認為是我們班上最用功的學生
    He is regarded as the best diligent student in our class.
  2. 這個工作得以不做
    This work does not have to be done.
  1. A person's word can be a source of wisdom, deep as the ocean and fresh as a flowing stream.
  2. (Light traveling from A to B ) needs two seconds.
    ( )內為主詞
  3. River Road(戀故鄉)
    River Road, River Road winding to the sea.
    That's the road leading to home
    where I long to be.
    Long to see folks I knew, friends of long ago.
    Long to sit by my door in the sunset glow.
    River Road, River Road winding to the sea.
    Lead the way take me home where I long to be...
    long to, 渴望
Homework #10
寫滿一張 A4,不要寫歌詞