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2009/10/14 Class Content

Quiz 5
  1. 把風轉為電是奇蹟
    It is a miracle to transform win to(into) electricity.
  2. 在你明年6月回來之前我將已畢業
    Before you come back in June next year,
    (By next June would you come back)
    I will have graduated.
  1. pin -> pine -> spine
    大頭針    松樹    脊椎
  2. The spine is the keel of the body.
    keel 龍骨(主要支撐)
    leek 韭菜
  3. Nature abhors vacuum.
    abhor 憎恨
    vacuum 真空
  4. anagram 變位字
  5. palindrome 迴文
  6. It is a miracle to (have) reclaim the tax.
    reclaim 在此為"變位字", 意指"申請收回"
  7. Be silent ! Listen!
    Listen 為 silent 的變位字

  8. 10 為迴文
    You can cage a swallow, can't you?
    But you can't swallow a cage, can you?
  9. tag question
  10. Girl bathing on bikini eyeing boy found
    boy eyeing bikini on bathing girl.
  11. 處處飛花非處處
  12. Combination & permutation
  13. It is miracle to have reclaimed the tax
  14. It is miracle to have reclaimed the tax you paid last year.
  15. dilation
Homework #1: 用手寫出至多 A4 一頁的 Anagram

2009/10/13 Class Content

  1. Sun of beach.
  2. Pride goes before fall. 驕者必敗
  3. Winners never quit. 贏者絕不棄
    Quitter never win. 棄者絕不贏

2009/10/07 Class Content

Quiz 4
  1. 凡遲到者必受罰
    Anyone who comes late must be punished.
  2. 在你出生前,橋就已造好
    Before you were born, the bridge has been constructed.
名詞   代名詞   動詞     形容詞   副詞
(二形)  (四格)  (五變)   (三維)  (一式)
連接詞 介(係)詞 感嘆詞

  1. He works hard.
  2. He hardly works.
  3. Swimming is good for your health.
    Health is better than wealth.
    East or west, home is best.
  4. Too far east is west.
  5. 主格        受格  所有格  與格
    I   give   him   my    book.
  6. Why is "p" a false friend?
    Because "p" is the first in pity, but the last in help.
  7. When is a door not a door?
    When it is ajar(半開的).
  8. Nature is by God. 自然天所生
    Engineering is through man. 工程人所造
    Blend nature into engineering. 融自然於工程
    Integrate God into man. 合天理於人性
  9. Let bygones be bygones! 讓過去的過去
  10. Incomplete transitive verb.
    不完全          及物       動詞
(1)Let sleeping dog lie.
(2)Let him be here!
(3)Leave me alone!
(4)A man has 100 sheep and one of them gets lost what does he do?
He leave the other 99 sheep eating grass on the hillside and goes to look for the lost sheep.

2009/10/06 Class Content

名詞 use[s]
動詞 use[z]

Slow and steady wins the race.

昨日已遠飄 Yesterday is the past
明日還未到 Tomorrow is the future
今朝是現在 Today is the present
珍惜如瑰寶 Treasure as the gems

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,
it cannot save the few who are rich.

To be about the bush. 聲東擊西


2009/09/30 Class Content

Quiz 3
  1. 你 若 想 成 功 , 你 得 振 作 起 來
    If you want to succeed, you have to cheer up.
  2. 這 電 腦 已 修 好
    This computer has been fixed
  1. stand for: 表 示, 代 表
    It is normal to make good students good.
    It is sinful to make good students bad.
    It is a miracle to makes bad students good.
    It is ntural to make bad students bad.
  2. Don't be picky. 不 要 挑 嘴
  3. junior high school, 國 中 ( 初 中 )
  4. choose, chose, chosen
  5. hesitation, 猶 豫
  6. Which the word is the longest in the world?
  7. Why is "d" a bad boy
    Because d make ma mod
  8. duality, 對偶性(Ex: 黑白, 亮暗, 冷熱)
    He who humbles himself will be make great. 自謙者人必尊之
    He who makes himself great will be humbled. 自大者人必貶之
  9. An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity.
    A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity
A teacher teaching in a junior high school, always chose the worest class with worst students. He was asked why to do so. He answers hesitation smile,
It is normal to make good students good.
It is sinful to make good students bad.
It is a miracle to makes bad students good.
It is ntural to make bad students bad.
Do you want to make a miracle? It's natural.

2009/09/29 Class Content

freen hand, 徒手
以下音標部分為外連自 Dr. eye 網站
包含後面的文章中使用到音標符號的都是外連自 Dr. eye 網站

1. Chaos, 渾沌

2. equinox, 分
     Spring equinox, 春分
     Autum equinox, 秋分

3. solstice, 至
     Summer solstice, 夏至
     Winter solstice, 冬至

4. have[a]

   this [th]
   that [th]

   lose [se]

5. 子句
   Those who help themselevs will be helped by God.
   God help those who help themselevs.

6. Anyonewho hears my teachings and obeys them is like a wise man who builds his house on solid rock.
   Anyone who hears my teachings but does not obey them is like a foolish man who builds his house on loose sand.

7. binary, 二進位, 意指 00 01 10 11
   0: knows not (不知)
   1: knows (知)
  1. He who knows not and knows not he knows not, is dangeous, shum him.
    He who knows not and knows he knows, is simple, teach him.
    He who knows and knows not he knows, is sleeping, wake him.
    He who knows and knows he knows, is wise, follow him.
  2. 其人不知而不知其不知,危矣,避之


2009/09/23 Class Content


Quiz 2.
  1. 在我所有教過的學生中,我從未教過這麼優秀的學生
    Of all the students I ever taught, I never taught such a smart student.
  2. 這建物正在興建(現在進行被動式)
    The building is being constructed(built).

monotone 單調
melancholy 鬱卒(發音近似"沒人call你")

1. Slow and steady wins the race.

2. Haste makes waste. 遇速則不達

3. Inch by inch, it's a cinch.

4. If you want to thrive, you must get up at five.

5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

6. 3 key words
  1. to be
  2. to have
  3. to do
be |am  |
   |is  |_was  |
   |are |_were |_been  being
7. 3 basic 公式
    7.1 進行式 to be + 現在分詞
    7.2 完成式 to have + 過去分詞
    7.3 被動式 to be + p.p. (過去分詞)
I | am        |
  | was       |
  | will be   |
  | have been |_ here
  | am being  |
8. UNIVERSITY may stand for Universally Nurturing Intellect and Virtue with Enthusiam and Reason for Science, Idealism, Truth and Yourself.

9. riddle
 9.1 My first is with bee
      My second rules the sea
      My whole I will spend with thee honey-moon

 9.2 Which letter is like island?
      T, because T is in the midst of water.

 9.3 Why is a slim girl most afraid of the letter C?
      Because C makes fat a fact.

10. Dear Dad, no mon no fun, Your son.
     Dear Son, so bad, so sad. Your Dad.
     ==> mon = money

2009/09/22 Class Content

Nice to be here with you.
Let's begin a new.

1. 立規定,變習慣,成自然。
    Formulate a discipline
    Let it become habit
    Let it be natural

2. Mathermatics is a kind of language with rigorous grammar and vigorour representation.

3. F = ma
    force = mass acceleration
    Force is what makes an object accelerate.

4. 一尺之棰,日取其半,萬也不竭。 --春秋公孫龍
    If a one-foot stick is halved daily for even one million years, it will never vanish.

5. Yesterday is the past
    Tomorrow is the future
    Today is what we have now
    That's why it's called present
    Let's treasure what today offers us
    It's truly a present.


2009/09/16 Class Content

What date is today?
It's September sixteen.

pre-processing, 前置作業; Ex: 暖身動作, 開胃酒


Tongue Twister, 繞口令

1. Of all the saws(鋸子), I ever saw(see的過去式),
I neveer saw a saw saw like this saw saws.

2. She sells sea shells by the sea shore
If she sells sea shells by the sea shore
Where are the sea shells she sells by the sea shore?

3. Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled(醃漬) peppers.
A pekc of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Where is the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?

4. Be open-minded!
Never be narrow-minded!

5. Don't be present in body but absent in mind.

6. Language is a kind of mathematics with reasonable combination and under standable permuation.

7. Tense 時態, 英文共有12種

8. Verb to be 則有8種型態

9. 6 up's
   9.1 wake up
   9.2 get up
   9.3 stand up
   9.4 warm up
   9.5 cheer up
   9.6 speed up

10. 6 down's
   10.1 slow down
   10.2 tie down
   10.3 cool down
   10.4 sit down
   10.5 lay down
   10.6 die down

Referrence book: 英文奇言妙語

2009/09/15 Class Content

Quiz 1
  1. 時間來自過去閃過現在而走向未來
    Time comes from the past, flashes throught the present and goes into the future.
  2. 她一直哭了2小時還在哭(現在完成進行式)
    She has been crying for two hours.
attitude: 態度
altitude: 高度

Your attitude decide your altitude.

Discipline is the key to success!

Go all the way or don't go at all.