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2009/12/08 Class Content

  1. This year will some be at an e[e]nd.
  2. A new year will some be coming.
  3. In the wake of(緊隨在...之後) Dubai's debt crisis, analysts are trying to predict the next big blow up.
  4. least time principle
  5. Mininum energy principle
  6. gradient, 梯度

Homework #9

證明Snell's Law
If V1 > V2
than θ1 > θ2
Snell's Law

2009/12/01 Class Content

  1. Houses are built of brick and stone.
    But home is made of love alone.
  2. Pride goes before fall.
  3. who, whose, whom
  4. For the want of a nail the shoe was lost.
    For the want of a shoe the horse was lost.
    For the want of a horse the rider was lost.
    For the want of a rider the battle was lost.
    For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
    And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.
  5. The same revolution beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe the belief that the right of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.


2009/11/25 Class Content

Quiz 11
  1. 自從我們分手後,時間一直停滯不前
    Since we were apart, times has stood still
  2. 所有閃爍的東西並非都是黃金=不要以貌取人
    All that glitters(is shining) is not gold.
Never put of till tommorrow what you can do today.
  1. symbol
  2. signal
  3. signify
  4. negotiate, 談判
Homework #7
President John F. Kennedy- Inaugural Address

2009/11/24 Class Content

  1. A good beginning is half done.
  2. All is well that ends well.
    =All that ends well is well
  3. Go all the way or don't go at all.
  4. Since I came here, I have worked for my advisor.
  5. We were apart.
    We have been apart.
  6. For the want of a nail the shoe was lost.
    For the want of a shoe the horse was lost.
    For the want of a horse the rider was lost.
    For the want of a rider the battle was lost.
    For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
    And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.
  7. Let us never fear to negociate.
    But let us never negociate out of fear.
  8. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  9. To make a mountain out of a molehill.

2009/11/18 Class Content

Quiz #10
  1. 凡該做的就該做好
    What should be done should be done well.
  2. 我無法瞭解為何當我昨天最需要錢的時候,你竟然早花光了我所有的錢
    I don't understand why when I needed money most yesterday, you would have spent all of my money.
  1. Ask not what your country can do for you,
    ask what you cand do for your conuntry.
  2. Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of tiger ended up inside.
  3. There was a young lady of Riga who went for ride on a tiger.
    They returned from the ride with lady inside and a smile on the face of the tiger ended up inside.
  4. A notable chef was not able to serve the meal because he has no table.
  5. Life is an unceasing struggle.
    Work hard when young and never be idle.
  6. Nothing is better than God.
    Nothing is worse than devil.
    If you eat Nothing, you will die.
Homework #6
找 I can't stop loving you歌詞
Ray Charles - I Can't Stop Loving You Lyrics

2009/11/17 Class Content

he -> her -> here
he -> hear -> heard
he -> heart

weeping willow 垂柳

2009/11/17 Class Content

he -> her -> here
he -> hear -> heard
he -> heart

weeping willow 垂柳

2009/11/10 Class Content

Quiz #9
  1. 昨天我若真是餓的話,我早就把它吃光了
    If I had been hungry yesterday, I would have eaten it up.
  2. 明天你若真會死,你會不會今天花光你所有的錢自我享受一番
    If you were to die tommorrow, would you spend all of your money enjoying yourself.
  1. similie, 明喻, 直喻
    metaphor, 暗喻, 隱喻
  2. Time does not exist in clocks and watches.
    God does not linger in temples and churches.
  3. The humo(u)r of God.
  4. greedy, 貪心
  5. stingy, 吝嗇
  6. priest, 牧師, 神父
  7. preach, 講道, 說教
  8. almighty, 全能的
  9. enternal, 進入
  10. prayer, 祈禱者(n.), 祈禱(v.)
  11. pious, 虔誠
Homework #5
1. Memory
2. The river never return
找"God has a sense of humor"主題的故事並用手寫下

2009/11/04 Class Content

Quiz 8
  1. 我若是工程 師 我就會把它做得很好
    If I were an engineer, I would do it very well.
  2. 明年七月三日我將已為這公司工作三年還會繼續做
    On July 3rd next year, I will have been working for this company for three years.
  1. similie, 明喻, 直喻
    metaphor, 暗喻, 隱喻
  2. If I were a swallow(lark), I would fly high in the sky.
    = In reality, I am not a lark, therefore I can not fly high in the sky.
  3. If I could graduate now, I could get the job.
    ( 與 現 在 事 實 相 反 )
  4. If I had graduated last year, I could have got the job.
    ( 與 過 去 事 實 相 反 )
  5. Do you understand what I say[e]?
    Do you understand what I said[ai]?
  6. If he were to come tomorrow, I would kill him.
    ( 與 未 來 事 實 相 反 )
  7. Transformation
    (1) An absent-minded man is like a drunk driver.
    (2) A man with absent mind is like a drunk driver.
    (3) A man who is absent-mind is like a drunk driver.
  8. I got out of the bed from the wrong side.
  9. Houses is built of brick and stone.
    Home is made of love alone.
Homework #4


2009/11/03 Class Content

  1. Wind
    Who has seem the wind?
    Neither you nor I.
    Bout when the trees
    bow down their heads,
    The wind is passing by.
    Who has seen the wind?
    Neither I nor you
    But when the leaves hang trembling(fall from the trees),
    The wind is passing through.

    bow[ow] n. 弓
    bow[ow] v. 鞠躬

  2. hang
    hanged     hanged     及物動詞
    hung         hung         不及物動詞

    shined       shined
    shone        shone

    lay       lain

  3. Song
    You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
    You make me happy when skies are grey(gray).
    You never know dear, how much I love you.
    please don't take my sunshine away.
    The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
    I dreamed I held you in my arms.
    As I awoke dear, I was misstaken.
    So I hug my head and cried.


2009/10/28 Class Content

Quiz 7
  1. 翼 之 於 鳥 猶 如 輪 之 於 車
    Wings are to birds as wheels are to cars.
  2. 當 你 昨 晚 進 實 驗 室 時 , 我 已 做 我 的 研 究 工 作 三 小 時 還 在 做
    When you entered the laboratory last night, I had been doing my research work for 3 hours.
  1. Root Construction
    There are only two things to worry about.
    Either you are well or you are ill.
    If you are well, there is nothing to worry about.
    If you are ill, there are only two things to worry about.
    Either you get well or you die.
    If you get well there is nothing to worry about.
    If you die, there are only two things to worry about.
    Either you go to heaven or you go to hell.
    If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about.
    If you go to hell, you will be busy shaking hands with your friends there, you won't have time to worry about.
  2. metaphor(暗喻)
    The ideal symbolizes the sunshine.
    The fame and profit symbolizes my shadow.
    If I struggle facing the sunshine,
    my shadow will always follow me.
    But if I turn arround chasing my shadow,
    I will never be able to surpass it.
  3. proverbs
    (1) Let sleeping dogs lie.
    (2) Barking dogs never bite.
    (3) It rains cats and dogs.
    (4) All roads lead to Rome.
    (5) Rome was not built in one day.
    (6) Do in Rome as Romans do.
    (7) The early bird catches the worm.
    (8) Birds of a feather flook together.
    (9) Fine feathers make fine birds.
    (10) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
    (11) Kill tow birds with one stone.
  4. riddle
    Nothing is better than God.
    Nothing is worse than devil.
    If you eat nothing, you will die.
Homework 3
A joke about Bush
用手寫滿一張 A4 紙

2009/10/27 Class Content

bald [a] 禿頭
bold [o] 勇氣
  1. proportion
    a/b = c/d,
    a over b is equal to c overd.
    a is to b as c is to d.
    a 之於 b 猶如 c 之於 d
    Trees ar to mountains as hair is to heads.
  2. 飢者易怒
    A hungry man is an angry man.
  3. Chain Reaction
(1) angry
(2) hungry
(3) eat
(4) sick
(5) sleep
(6) work
(7) make money
(8) buy a new car
(9) drive
(10) show off
(11) fool
(12) born a fool
  1. Even if you beat a fool to death, you cannot beat the foolishness out of him.

2009/10/21 Class Content

Quiz 6:
  1. 他每天做研究工作是事實
    It is a fact that he does the research work every day.
  2. 明早我會穿著一件白襯衫在車站等你
    Tommorrow morning I will be wearing a white shirt waiting for you at the station.
I'm sorry I'm one minutes late this morning.
  1. Coding

    Thirty day have September, April, June and Novemer.
    All the rest have thirty-one.
    Except February alone which has eight day and a score.
    Till leap year give it on day more.

  2. Never put off till tommorrow what you can do today.
  3. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
                  n.         n.          n.          v.
  4. Albert Einstein: ==> ten elite brains.
    Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspration.
  5. When you are angry count ten before you speak.
    If very angry, one hundred.
  6. No hurry no worry.
  7. Who has see the wind
    Neither you and I
    but the tree bow down their heads
        the wind is passing by

    Who has see the wind
    Neither I and you
    but the leaf dithering
        the wind is passing through.
Homework 2:
將 footprints 內容分四段做美工,需圖文並茂,至少A4紙張大小,不限形式。

2009/10/20 Class Content

1. dilation
  • I do it. (The simplest sentence in the world)
  • I can do ti.
  • I can do wht you can do.
  • I can do for one dollar what you cna do for two dollars.
  • An unordinary person can do for one dollar what an ordinary person can do for two dollars.
  • An engineer is an unordinary person who can do for 1 dollar what an ordinary person can do fro two dollars
2. It is a fact that the earth is round.
That the earth is round is a fact.
Tht the word is wrong is a fact.
That the word that the man writes is wrong is a fact.

3. Chinese riddle